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Research is showing that increasing physical activity to strengthen your back is one of the most effective ways of ensuring great long term health says the New Zealand Chiropractors’ Association (NZCA), as the primary health care organisation marks World Spine Day 2017 (16th October).

Chiropractor and NZCA spokesperson Dr Cassandra Fairest explains: ‘On this year’s World Spine Day we’re encouraging everyone to get Your Back In Action. Spinal disorders are amongst one of the leading causes of disability in the world today. When people cannot move or get around adequately it impacts upon their quality of life. This year, New Zealand’s chiropractors are taking the lead to inform, educate and inspire people to prevent pain and disability by engaging in physical activity and Get Your Back In Action!’

Too much time watching TV or online may lead to an early death from dementia, Parkinson's disease or diabetes, according to Australian research published this month[1]. The study found that engaging daily in a two hour session of either a favourite TV show or an online gaming activity increased the risk of an inflammatory disease-related death by 54 per cent.

Chronic inflammation is now considered to be central – amongst other factors – to many illnesses including the three diseases researched. Researchers at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne said the findings, based on nearly 9,000 adults, stem from prolonged sitting.


Dr Fairest explains: `If you want to binge watch the latest Netflix series or any multiple episodes in one sitting, you should get up regularly and stretch your legs. You could engage in some exercises from your family chiropractor, while you are up on your feet.’


Further to this, a major international study (the PURE study recently published in the Lancet[2] which considered the correlation between physical activity on mortality and cardiovascular disease in 130,000 people from 17 countries) demonstrated that simply increasing physical activity is a widely applicable, low cost global strategy that could reduce deaths and CVD in middle age.

According to the largest study of its kind, Alzheimer's disease may be avoided by following a healthy lifestyle - even if you're predisposed to developing it[3].  Researchers at the University of California in Irvine began the '90+ Study' in 2003. Tests were carried out on 1,700 participants every six months to monitor their cognitive ability. Post-mortems were conducted upon their death and it was noted that some participants appeared to have been at risk of developing Alzheimers but had ‘cognitive resilience’ and therefore did not develop the disease.


Dr Fairest explains: `Exercising, monitoring blood pressure and watching less TV are the three key factors that will help to build body-brain resilience and minimise the risk




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